The central doctrine of Process Philosophy holds that man is in a state of Constant Change or Becoming. And rightly so. Man is continuously changing and human development is involved in an endless process of evolution. This can be likened to the Hegelian “Absolute Spirit” which is constantly developing and creating a whole new universe like a world of continuous formation. As man evolves, technology also evolves with him. Today, a state has been attained where the forces of good and evil, of right and wrong are at war. A balance must not only be maintained but also sustained or man stands to risk the loss of his humanity to the creations of his own hands. I remember a wise man telling me many years ago that the greatest enemy of man is the self. A subjective notion, though, but one that will pass the validity test for intelligibility and perhaps truth, anytime. The quest about the “self” started with the ancient Greek Philosopher, Socrates. According to the thinker, the only way for ...